IF anyone thinks the prophetic life is a glory life, they are missing a lot of Scripture! Yes, there are interesting things and we get excited over "the phenomenal" but the TRUE gift of the prophetic is to get people right with God.
The devil in people, or the wrong spirits, really do NOT like that, or them, because of that! As stealth as those lies got in, sometimes they use the same stealth to afflict the ministers and deceive them if possible!
Those who know His Word will stand, and that applies to ANY minister! The prophet cannot believe that “they” are the last word and get along with God (but rather become His enemy when they do that), but when they do know The Word, the Living Word, they will serve Him more and be more accurate!
It's not “a show” on what you know or what you can predict! That is NOT they purpose or the calling of the prophetic. It can be one of the signs that they discern things, but it's just PART of the true Spirit!
This game show of "who is who in the Christian Zoo" can be a deceitful place! The world, the flesh and the devil LOVE that stuff! It's all about SELF, self aggrandizement, self love, self glory. God does not LEAD that way! He is not full of flattery because He knows what HE did is good!
His Holy Spirit purpose is to open you up to more of HIM! Some play the GAME real well, but they don't carry a heart of Love!
God demands His Authority because that is how He keeps the world and planet and Universe in Order! He keeps your body and your life in order! We have a struggle because we have been given CHOICE.
We wanted that, to know good from evil. Now we are sad that we know evil. But God is using that to let us get to know Him better.
The stronger you get into something that is not right, the stronger you have to be to get out of it! It's a life lesson. Not always easy or fun, but Jesus came to deliver us. He made the way!
Not every word spoken in Jesus' Name is true, or maybe it is not understood. It is the Anointing (true power of God) that breaks the yoke (of bondage). The Anointing is the present power of God. Its work is to bring you into the Eternal Realm of God.